Friday, December 18, 2009

Food a Major Attraction to Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR:Malaysian food has become one of the major attractions to foreign visitors because of the unique blend of cultural and ethnic histories that are not found anywhere else in the world, chairman of Tourism Malaysia Datuk Dr Victor Wee said today.

He said this unique blend of culture is very much reflected in the broad range of influences and flavours found in Malaysian food.

"Coupled with centuries of cohabitation, shared recipes and continous experiments from restaurateurs and food operators, we have produced an interesting potpourri of Malaysian cuisines not found anywhere else in the world, making Malaysia a gourmet paradise," he said when launching the 1Malaysia Fruit Tower contest at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here.

Wee said apart from good food, Malaysia also has a great variety of refreshing and nutritious tropical fruits and praised the otganiser for creatively design the contest to help promote Malaysian fruits.

The 1Malaysia fruit tower contains a mix of local fruits whereby visitors of the ongoing Malaysia Restaurant Food Festival are encouraged to guess the quantity of local fruits in the tower.

At the fuction, Wee also lanched the Fabulous Food 1Malaysia - Malaysia Restaurant Food Festival that showcases fabulous food from renowed restaurants in the country.

With the theme 'Come Celebrate The Festivities with Tasty Malaysia' the three-day festival also features and promote the restaureters year end and new year dinner and wedding packages at a great value whereby visitors can make bookings and enjoy additional benefits. -Bernama

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